2022 AM Wings_Mono Negative

Mike on... the United States Grand Prix

Mike on United States GP header

A very busy period between races, the launch of Generation 3 with Aramco, Jak Crawford's Houston demo run, the challenge of a double triple-header and the reason why Formula One really is bigger in Texas. There's a lot for Team Principal Mike Krack to talk about this week.

Miami has the celebrity, Las Vegas has the location, but Austin and the Circuit of the Americas have the track and the tradition. The United States Grand Prix is a great event, always packed with drama, always packed with fans and now, well into its second decade, is an established high point of the season. Team Principal Mike Krack has got plenty to say about this but also has views on the evolution of the 2026 F1 regulations, the launch of our new technology-focused Generation 3 initiative with Aramco, updates to the AMR24, and a fresh face in the shape of our new Group CEO Andy Cowell with us at the track this weekend.

This is Mike on...

Not taking a holiday

"The break in the calendar since the Singapore Grand Prix last month has been unusual, but it is very different to the summer shutdown. We've probably been busier than when we're racing. There has been a lot of preparation for 2026, when F1 will have a new set of technical regulations, and the team will begin a new chapter with its works partnership with Honda. On top of that, there's been an F1 Commission meeting, lots of administration, ranging from staff appraisals to infrastructure decisions. It's not race-related but it is important and it takes time.

"So, despite three weeks without a race, there hasn't been much of an opportunity to draw breath. I don't recall anyone at the AMR Technology Campus using it as an excuse to take a holiday. Everyone in the team has been working flat-out as we approach the final part of what has been a very busy year."


"The F1 Commission meeting advanced the definition of the 2026 regulations. Back in June, when the FIA published a draft, there was a big reaction. It's worth saying that something called a draft is not finalised! It was a working document, with which we needed to work together, make improvements, tighten the definition. That's what's happened, and a lot of the noise has quietened. We're moving in the right direction."

F1 plus

"These final six races of the season, split into two triple-headers, are a mental exercise in retaining focus. Everyone will be away from home for a long time; the time zones make it difficult to stay in touch with family; we'll be in some challenging climates, and it's the time of year when all sorts of sickness bugs can rear their head in the paddock. All of these things present challenges.

"And while triple-headers are tricky in their own right, they've also been paired with three Sprint weekends! One here in Austin, another in São Paulo, one in Qatar. We're doing a quarter of the season in two intense, long-haul sequences. It adds a human performance element to the sporting and technical contest we already have. I like to think of this as 'F1 plus'. For me, the job is to lead well: eat properly, sleep properly, set a good example."

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Wonderful Austin

"It's great to be back in Austin this week. I think this is the best F1 race in the USA. It almost feels like an old-school European race now: there's nothing artificial about it; it has a very passionate and established fanbase. Let's not forget, this isn't the Austin Grand Prix or even the Texas Grand Prix: it's the United States Grand Prix, and that means something. The circuit is amazing, it's a very cool event and the whole city is buzzing. Go into any bar, café or restaurant, and F1 is a topic of conversation. I don't know anyone who isn't excited to come here."

Generation 3

"We launched an exciting new campaign with our title partner Aramco this week, who have a massive R&D base in nearby Houston. Generation 3 is a global initiative to build on the achievements of our long-standing partnership and leverage cutting-edge technologies to deliver real-world impact and inspire the next generation.

"The launch of the programme has provided a good opportunity to reflect on what we have already achieved but also focus on how we're going to do more in the future. We will continue to do more: more inspiring activations like the thrilling demonstration run we did with Jak Crawford at the wheel of our F1 car in Houston; more STEM talks and workshops like those we held for students in the Ion District this week, more internships for bright young minds; more technical collaborations – both within our F1 project and beyond. Our partnership with Aramco isn't just about F1.

"It's a great demonstration of how F1 partnerships work when they work well. We have achieved much together, much more than I thought, and we have 2026 on the horizon, where our partnership can really have a performance impact on our car. In the beginning, many people will have thought 'they're just a sponsor', but we do a lot of things together, and it's fantastic. You can deliver a lot when you put two brands like Aston Martin and Aramco together and you can do even more when you invite a third partner on that journey and that third partner is you – be that motorsport fan, student, educator, industry leader, even member of the media. Together, we are the generation who will shape the future."

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"In terms of Jak's development, it's a shame this is a Sprint weekend, otherwise he'd have been in contention to do FP1. It's the same for Felipe Drugovich: he can't drive at home in Brazil in a fortnight because, again, it's a Sprint weekend, but he will be in the car for FP1 in Mexico next week. It was fantastic, though, that Jak could do a drive through the streets of Houston and a phenomenal job from everyone in our Evolution team to prepare and run the car – running an F1 car on a billiard table-smooth racetrack is one thing, but having it run without a hitch on everyday roads is no mean feat.

"Jak's drive was thrilling for the public in his hometown but also exciting for him, for his family, for his personal partners. He had to move away, and come to Europe to further his career, and now to come back with Formula One, I think it's really good for him, and he's been very busy over the whole week!

"That said, we're really happy he's going to be driving for us at the post-season Abu Dhabi test. He does great work in the sim. When he's trackside – usually because he has an F2 race – we have a desk for him, so he can come in and listen. He's a cool guy! Relaxed, easy with people. He's a real asset – and he's still in the F2 title fight."


"We're bringing some updates to the Circuit of the Americas, with a new front wing, floor, diffuser and engine cover. Lots of teams have used the last few weeks to prepare an update and it's not unreasonable to think they might cancel each other out. Some teams won't have an update, and those will be the reference that allows you to measure your own performance step.

"As I mentioned earlier, there's been no let-up back at the AMR Technology Campus, and it's important to acknowledge the hard work and effort that have gone into bringing this latest round of updates to car. Everyone has played their part: design, production, supply chain, the list goes on and on. It's impossible to name names but it's important to recognise the incredible effort throughout the team.

"It is complicated to put updates on the car at a Sprint event, with just the single practice session to learn about them. We need to learn as much as we possibly can in our hour of practice. It's not going to be easy, given much of the track has been resurfaced and therefore a reference has been lost. You have to tick a lot of boxes and do so rapidly, just to do a normal job in terms of preparation, analysis and decision making. It's a challenge, but challenges are why we're here."

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A new face

"Andy Cowell joined the team as Group Chief Executive Officer at the beginning of this month, and the United States Grand Prix provides him with the first opportunity to see how we operate at the track. The first few months at a team are so important, it's a period where you can spend lots of time with different departments to really understand how they are doing things and all work together – and Andy's visit to the track this weekend is no different.

"In the beginning, I'm sure he will just be taking it all in, soaking up everything that's going on, asking questions to paint a more detailed picture. Andy is not the type of person to come straight in and make a change for change's sake, but I have no doubt he will provide us with a fresh perspective and his input will be invaluable and only make us stronger. He has a formidable record of success at the highest level and I'm excited to have him here with us in Austin this weekend."

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